Saturday 13 December 2014

Education Eradication?

There is only one thing in this world that could make me irate to the point of not even bothering to argue the point. Education.

It's annoying, there's this assumption that if you have been doing it for a long time that you will know more than the people that are younger than you... in fact generally in society there is an assumption that age = experience = wisdom = better than you.  Wow, I could not disagree more...maybe people assume that I am bias. I am a young person and maybe I feel that I'm 'better than the rest' - well no actually... I think I have a pretty good idea of who is better than who!

There are plenty of people who think that they will never have to learn, read or sit and exam or complete an assignment once they have finished their undergraduate degrees. This is completely the worst thinking ever! Professional Development in all it's forms is what keeps education rolling. How can we as teachers not believe in life long learning?! - talk about sending our children the wrong message.

There's one more thing that tends to happen in music education.. this notion of 'collecting students' or 'just earning some money on the side' however wanting a career in performance. Teaching is a legitimate career choice - and in fact from my experience teaching is a performance gig. Not just on the stage conducting, but in the classroom modelling, and even in our lives. I'm not sure what other teachers feel... however I feel like my life is on display. It would be pretty poor form of me to go and get drunk and destroy property then be on the six o'clock news...

Like I said, teaching is a legitimate notion...

Maybe I'm living and learning in an imaginary world? Maybe I'm the one to blame with this idea of young teachers being 'responsible' and 'mature' ... however when you think about it, teaching is a pretty important job. You have so much power. So much influence. Teaching could be the best or the worst thing for a child. Personally I think that I will always have something to learn...


Sunday 7 December 2014

Fat Shaming - A Journey

So. One of my Facebook friends shared a photo of something to do with fat shaming. I went to share my response, but he removed the photo.

I'm not sure I want to write my opinion here. However here we go.

Disclaimer: x it isn't aimed at you for posting this, I'm rather attempting to state my side of the dialogue.

If you don't want to read it or acknowledge it, stop reading now.

I agree to a point and you know what, regardless of what she looks like she shouldn't have said that as a response - how rude and obscene! (the overweight girl).

However, in her defence...

What if she is going through a stage of making herself healthier? Just because you have seen a snapshot of her doesn't mean you know what her journey. What if she had been A LOT heavier than that prior to this moment.

I think it's stupid how we judge just at the sight of things, I mean obviously this little comic isn't meant to be analysed or thought of in any meaningful way.

It's meant for 'skinny' people or 'healthy people' (regardless if they attempt to be skinny or not) to go 'HAHAH FAT PEOPLE ARE FAT AND SHOULD DIE IN A HOLE.'

Ah also the separate issue of 'dressing for you body type' Yes, I agree...regardless of what you look like or your age, please dress in something that is flattering... You wouldn't see me in a crop top and short shorts.

As a fat person who is trying to make myself better by being healthier the fact that I change my habits for a certain amount of time does not make me instantly healthier.

I am not making an excuse for myself and I am definitely not making an excuse for others. However there's only so much some of us can do at any given time. It would be just as unhealthy to starve myself.

I obviously do not speak for every obese and overweight person ever and yeah I know that I'm not healthy but when I'm done I will be, because I never will be done.

I'm not offended by this comic, rather I think some awareness and thought should be given. I'm not asking for a trigger warning or for someone to tell me that I'm beautiful. I'm not even after someone to tell me I'm fat and I need to get off the couch... What I need is for people to judge me less and worry more about themselves.