Wednesday 29 July 2015

Chorale Prelude on 'Wachet auf, rüft uns die Stimme', BWV 645: Bach

Music is good for the soul.


That people will revere you and fear you
Like an obstetrician plunging his hands into a woman's womb and grabbing the baby, then cutting the cord in under 30 seconds without a single hassle...

Like an archer who can shoot the apple off a boy's head 50 metres away...

If you want to be a successful musician, I'm afraid you'll have to be so skilful and have the most amazing technique, that people will revere you and become scared of you.

If I fail or succeed. Come back to this please. Remind him what he wrote to you.

Friday 24 July 2015

My heart ached, I sobbed and I will live pretending that it never happened...

Conference reflections

As the music begun I slumped in my seat.
Bruce raised held his hand up cuing in each musician in time.
Then the flute started to sing a song of love,
He had me by the heart, I sat up at attention.

Water welled in my eyes and my heart began to ache.
It wasn't long until the solo flourished and the brass joined in.
The chordal changes dragged me along as the piece expanded.
Witnessing each member move in time as if one was soul touching.

Then, the trombones came to the forefront, I removed my glasses.
Sobbing quietly in the audience, by my lonesome.
I was quite fortunate that Pearson did not stop the piece.
Indeed the band played on and I continued to quietly sob.

As the piece came to a conclusion I made the right decision to leave.
I could not subject myself to this for much longer.
The ache of my heart provided the longing sensation I had avoided for so long.
T'was true what everyone said, 'this will be the worst decision of your life'.

Musician's and injuries are never a choice, treatment is however.
My choice to not operate from many standpoints was valid.
However the heart cannot comprehend decisions made by the brain.
I'm sorry heart, this one is something that needs to remain forever and always.

Forever TubaChick x

You do (not) have the right to be right...

Why is it that I live in a country that encourages me to find what makes me special?
What other countries allow their men and women allow them to be free, but takes their freedoms away from them?
Why do I live in a country where I cannot marry the woman I love?
We live in a country where you and I can both be right, but only you have the right, to be right.

In school we are encouraged to think outside of the square.
We are judged on our ability to write thought provoking papers.
We promote people with good ideas, who know how to put them into action.
Yet, the people that make the action happen, are left on the sidelines.
We live in a country where you and I can both be right, but only you have the right, to be right.

We live in a country that ultimately presents us with many freedoms, however we live in a country that can be better.
It can be better through less homelessness, suffering, poverty...less discrimination.
We live in a country where churches and chapels line the streets, where op shops are found on each corner...if you can't find those then, you've found the pub.
We live in a country where you and I can both be right, but only you have the right, to be right.

We live in a country that let's us find our own feet, however will support me when I fall.
Yet, we live in a country where you and I can both be right, but only you have the right, to be right.

Do I have the potential to be great?

Sometimes I ponder greatly on matters which I cannot answer for myself. Well I guess no one would be able to answer for me.

The biggest matter on my mind right now is 'do I have the potential to be great?'. I mean I am comparing myself to someone that is well, rather... a high target if I pin myself up against them.

That's like a person in a restaurant, like a dish pig stating that without much talent or training that they will be the finest chef in the nation.

Today at work one of the members of management stated "It's a shame that people are unable to distinguish the very core difference between a nice person and a harder worker." I hope with all my heart that the praise that I receive is due to someone making a conscious decision that my work is acceptable, not just my conduct.

So, do I have the ability to be great?

Well what are we going to define as great and where do I say that I have reached it as a destination. How will we measure great? Oh, and how will I know that great is an authentic experience.

All too often I feel like my ability to have authentic experiences is numbed by the people and relationships that are already formed.

Define: Great will be when people recognise my name and I have people ask me for my expertise without really knowing me.
Destination: When I am called upon to present/ discuss or teach at conferences, workshops, schools, etc.
Measure: Who, what, when, where, why.
Authentic: I feel that I have made a significant contribution to be adequately suited for the task at hand and any reasonable person would suggest that the gig was obtained through my level of expertise, not my level of networking.

Oh and the subject matter?
Anything that a) fits the criteria b) ignites passion from within and c) enables me to showcase my knowledge, experiential learning and intelligence.

So how do I intend of obtaining this level of greatness, or at least getting to the starting poll?

STEP ONE: LEARN! Learn from him, learn from her and her and her and him and myself. The books, the internet, people, places.
STEP TWO: Attend everything that I can! Any PD offered, I'll be there.
STEP THREE: Think for myself. (oh this is a novel one)
STEP FOUR: Enlist critical thought processes when deciding on the suitability of an activity
STEP FIVE: Document everything
STEP SIX: Musicianship should NEVER be sacrificed
STEP SEVEN: Help others.
STEP EIGHT: Remain passionate about what I undertake and make it enjoyable.

