Saturday 31 January 2015

Goals, Life, Motivation and Q

Why do you deserve it?
What meaning and value will it bring to your life?
What makes you different?

Woah these are three hard questions.

I have been watching youtube motivational videos lately, I'm not quite sure what has got into me. Part of me is after all the self-motivation I can find. I was talking to Q tonight and I realised that I really do need to be the best person that I can be. I need to give the best quality of me that I can give to people.

So. First I need to define my goal. I found it interesting... when Q said that 'when you become famous' - oh this was a great moment. Q told me that I already seem to be prominent in my community so it was practically a given. I then told Q that I don't mind it, but ... it really is lonely being so well known. I don't have much privacy! Haha.

So. What do I want. I don't want fame. I don't want attention. I've got enough of that. I want to become the best teacher I can be. What do I mean? I want to be able to say with conviction that I am doing the right thing for the kids in front of me. I also want to be able to teach teachers how to teach. I want to lecture at universities. I want to travel the world and present at conferences. I want to be that person that they call and say 'hey can you come and conduct at this workshop? Can you give a talk on (blank)? Can you come and teach?' Another aim I have is to be on a certain board. I want to hold positions on committees and have a say in changing things and making decisions. I want to help people. I want to be on the frontline of teaching. I want to know that what I believe in and what I practice works. I want to see results and I want to complete research.

Now for the questions (the first one is meant to have five answers):

Why do you deserve it?

I deserve it because I work hard.
I have goals and I am working towards them.
I know my stuff and if I don't know it I ask/ find out for myself.
I help people: I am a good person.
I am motivated and I have good intentions.

What meaning and value will it bring to your life?

It is my life. I will dedicate my life to it.

What makes you different?

I'm me. If you know me. You'll know I'm different. Very different. IN FACT. I'm me. No one else is me. I can assure you of that.

Hopefully this helps with something for someone. Or at least. It's helped me.



Friday 23 January 2015

As the cloud descends...

As the cloud descends
We all tremble in fear
For the one who comes here
Has been always quite near,

As I anticipate the storm
I find he has grown cold
Luckily a man like him
Will never be too old,

And as I pass on from him
I realise the truth
We must never retire,
Not. Until we have changed one youth.

I'll be honest with you guys, I'm horrible at English and anything containing the words 'creative' or 'writing'... however I really wanted to share this. I was cleaning out (well I still am, it's a major expedition!) and I found a book with one page written on, it contained this prose. I wrote it on the 12 Jan 2014. I know exactly what was going on in my life around then, and I know what the inspiration for this was.

At the bottom of the page I wrote in a different colour:

Future [NAME], don't forget to pay it forward! Please, for the sake of who has paid it forward to you.

Happy pondering,


Wednesday 21 January 2015

Why did I become a teacher?

What a difficult question to answer. Why does anyone do anything really?

Woah how profound, why does anyone do anything?(well it wasn't that profound, don't get so concerned)

Teaching. It's the one thing I feel like I'm good at.

I will always have my ability to relate to children and well, teach them something. I've spent the last three weeks away at summer camps trying to learn something from some lecturers and tutors. Most of the people I've encountered have been awe inspiring! Some of them... less than motivating.

Take this one guy for example. We will call him L. He spoke passionately for two sessions about choral music, music education and his beliefs, practices and thoughts surrounding just about everything to do with these topics.

I could only wish to be so:
a) passionate
b) inspiring and;
c) knowledgable

GOSH! The best thing about L is that he doesn't think I'm invisible. I guess that's a plus - haha!

So, why teaching? Is it for an Extraverted Feeling (Fe) or an Introverted Feeling (Fi) result. Well my type: ENFP would tell me that it's in fact going to be close to a Fi just because 'my type says so'. However I've been trying to grasp this concept and one of my good friends who we will call Q is also curious about this 'stuff'. She copied me a conversation which spoke about a prominent figure in history and these people had a discussion on his type of Fe or Fi used. I'm not saying I'm a prominent historical figure however, the article was very useful. (I'm sorry for my lack of control of the English language).

Basically am I fulfilling someone else's dreams or my own. Now that's a horrible meaning to Fe vs Fi however... for me it's the question I'm posed with.

Now, it would be horrible if I said that I was doing teaching to please someone else, because that's the worst reason to do something ever. An equally bad response would be along the lines of the teacher being an educator to fulfil themselves.

So, why teaching?
Ah this is still a really hard question!
Because I had great teachers?
Because I had some crap teachers?
Because I think I can do better?
Because I want to do better?
Because I know I can do better?

Ah, actually I think it's somewhere here that we find the real reason. I know that I can be a good teacher better than some of my crap ones, similar to some of my good ones (however never as good as the best). I am doing teaching because...I want to change lives. I want to share music and I want to know that I've achieved something in my life.

Signing off,


Tuesday 20 January 2015


The amount of times I have tried to write blog post in the past month has been stupid.

Why can I not just say what I feel? What I felt? What I experienced or what is happening?

Life suddenly became less complicated in the past two weeks. Here is the reasons why:

  • It's been a year since I came out to myself
  • I feel like it's okay to just tell people if we are talking about it (sexuality that is)
  • I've been house sitting for a week or so and I've come to terms with the idea of living by myself
  • I have started thinking of myself as a professional and I know that I'm going to do well at what I apply myself to
Again I'm lost at what to write. This is from yesterday and well I left the tab open and chose not to post it.

I'm sitting here just reflecting on all the learning that I have been fortunate enough to undertake in the last 5 years and I wonder what my life would have been without it.

I think of all the people I've met and the children I have taught. I have so much more to learn... however I'd like to think that I've become a better person in the past few years....