Monday 13 October 2014

I get distracted fairly - SQUIRREL!

I lay here contemplating life. In all its glory.

No seriously.

I do.

I'm laying here thinking through and reanalysing all the interactions I had today that I consider to be important. I'm going over the words people said to me to check their meanings to make sure I took it the correct way. I lay here contemplating life. In all its glory.

It's been a long life for me so far, I mean; to be fair I'm only 21. However. I really have come a long way.

This morning at work there was child who was obviously distressed and yours truly handled the situation with maturity beyond her years. Sympathy and all!

There's a storm outside.

Oh have I ever mentioned how easily distracted I get? It's pretty bad. Everyone at work thinks it's hilarious. I cope with lists everywhere and I NEED to have multiple jobs to do at once otherwise I'd never get anything done. I'm not sure if it's related but I get bored PRETTTTTY easily. I need many things to grab my attention at once.

So maybe that's why I always over commit myself?

I found a subreddit for ENFP's and their music tastes - which... I hope is useful. I go through music like a prostitute must go through condoms. It's horrible.

^ again it has to be good to get my attention.

Goes for most things. Honestly if I'm obsessed with someone or something or an event it must be pretty damn good for me to stick with. I'm honestly surprised I've ever finished anything in my life.

Which I guess is a reason why I tend to question my sense of ... learning style and whether there is something else there or not. Hmm. I guess it doesn't matter so long as I can hone these thoughts and impulses into something good or at least worthwhile.

So back to contemplating life.

My sense of humour. Everyone when I was growing up always commented on my lack of humour or that I don't find normal things funny. My parents would say 'you have a strange sense of humour'... and even to this day they question why I don't laugh at absolutely everything that they find funny. To be honest I'm not going to laugh if it's not funny and also, I tend to be someone who shows the reaction to the emotion, not the raw emotion. It comes with the personality but it's also a good way to protect myself from outside forces. I'm a big sucker for making sure that my true self is somewhat guarded.. however I cannot deal with people who are not genuine. There's a big difference I think... we can be genuine but we do not need to share our whole self. An air of mystery is good.

I'm continue to lay here and think. I will think until I eventually drift off into sleep for a few hours before getting back up and starting my day again. I guess we will have to see what happens. If I have any ground breaking thoughts I'll be sure to share them here for the two people who read my blog.


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